Celebrity fashion designer Anand Jon, who has dressed celebrities Paris Hilton and Janet Jackson, and profiled in 2003 on America's Next Top Model, was convicted on Thursday in Los Angeles of raping and sexually assaulting aspiring models, some as young as 14. Full story below.
Breaking News: Ugly Fashion Labels: America's Next Top Model, Anand Jon, Breaking News, Fashion | 1 comments»
Lessons from the 1% Labels: branding, Business, diamond ipod Shuffle, luxury marketing, marketing, YouTube | 0 comments»
If I had one penny for each and every time someone blamed the economy for everything from layoffs to the lack of soy milk at my local coffee shop (don't laugh, it's happened), I would not have to make my living begging for your attention. However, there is an entire rarified demographic out there who are reaping some serious financial benefits even during these tough economic times. Yes, these folks would be the ultra-wealthy, and those who market to the ultra-wealthy.
I dug up this YouTube video highlighting a iPod shuffle that is blinged-out beyond belief. Who needs this stuff? More importantly who's buying this stuff? Now, I would shudder to think of the type of person who is able to intelligently justify the need for an mp3 player draped in precious stones, but I know someone out there can and is buying one right now.
Nevertheless, this example of overindulgence points out a good basic marketing lesson when it comes to segmentation, positioning and strategy that we can all use. You too can sell a $99 product for $40k by establishing trust (in this example, Apple has established brand equity), offering value and customization (the diamonds). Nadine Wong of Morgan Stanley's Private Wealth Division states it best in this BusinessWeek podcast "Selling to High Net Worth Clients": it's the little things that make a big splash and count the most. Good rule of thumb.
Socialize My Style Labels: Arts, Delicious, Design, Digg, Facebook, Fashion, Social media, Style | 0 comments»
Where do I sign up to be a style expert? I mean, seriously. I think I manage to clean up pretty nicely and have an eye for detail. I understand the psychological and cultural importance of fashion. I follow the immutable laws of chicness (I think). I ooze lotusity. And oh boy, do I have an opinion about EVERYTHING. So, where's my show on Bravo? Or Style Network? C'mon, the web?
Until that day comes (and believe me, it will.....muaahh!), I will continue to play around with Polyvore, a great web-based application that allows you to mix-and-match images anywhere from the web. It's allows someone like me to create style storyboards, or sets, that help guide my creative projects. Currently, I am redecorating my digs- guess what I print out and carry when shopping for everything from paint to curtains? Trust me, I have shopping ADD, so it helps....
If you truly love putting together images, design, styling and planning as much as I do, you can go all out and do this with Photoshop, which I normally do. However, being that I spend 400% of my day on a the web and my phone, having the built-in social capabilities to share my love with the world is an A++. It's easier for me to grab, arrange, embed and post to Facebook, Digg and Delicious. Just call me the Nina Garcia of social media (let me have my dreams, please!).
sexy techie by nataliesblack